Lisa Strong’s Tips For Taking Care of Your Mind, Body and Soul

Think Dirty featured our President and Founder, Lisa Strong, in their Top 3 Rituals for Self-Love series last month. We are breaking it down and taking notes from Lisa today! Here are Lisa’s top three rituals for self-love:
1. 15 min energy - alignment process (quiet your mind, feel your vibration rise and write a list of things you appreciate in your life).
We have heard that the benefits of meditation are endless! Some of our favorites that Huffington Post mentions include reduced stress, improved concentration, increased happiness and self awareness. Take 15 minutes of quiet time for yourself a day and you will notice the improvements in your health overtime. Showing your gratitude goes a long way as well— start your list of things you appreciate in life and feel uplifted instantly!
2. Chinese herbology.
Herbal therapy is widely used in the Asian culture for treating and preventing illnesses. We are not experts in Chinese herbology, but here’s a list to help you get started if you are interested. Herbology is a great way to treat the skin and body from within but for external application, our not-so-secret, go-to product is the Aiona Alive E-ternal Mask for all skin types.
3. 3 x 4 km runs per week.
Regular exercise can do wonders for your health (but that’s not new information, is it?). Outdoor runs can be refreshing but while we wait for the weather in Canada to warm up, a treadmill will have to do. Don’t like running? Maybe you can try these exercises instead.